
Balabanova-Gebreab, Sophia

United States & Europe-based (broadly)
Sophia Balabanova-Gebreab is resourceful,  imaginative, and terminally optimistic.

I am a multi-disciplinary artist lost in time and space who is studying media arts & design, astronomy & astrophysics, and digital studies of language, culture, and history. I have studied drawing, painting, and theater for as long as I can remember and am now embracing computers and other modern technology. I have studied data privacy and the intersection of science and art in my time at the University of Chicago, though, lately, I have had fiber and book arts, robotics, and puppets on the brain. 

Outside of school, I spend a lot of time working on my zine, which I have been publishing with my friend since 2019, thinking about the “grand scheme of things”, and taping whatever I find to my walls. My latest small pleasures include tai chi, writing mini-reviews in my pocket-notebook, and attending weekly meetings for my soup club.

I’ve spent the past four years writing many, many papers. I’m planning to spend the next year making stuff. Check out my past and ongoing projects as I build out this page!

acrylic color experiment— 2024
John Singer Sargent oil study— work in progress
Arthur Rackham watercolor study— 2016
collage for kaleid zine— 2023
cover collage for kaleid zine— 2023
dubious creatures— hand-beaded, felt characters, 2023
dubious creatures— turned over... house, heart, clown, and squid
website redesign for aerospace internship— homepage,  2023
technology page redesign
team page redesign— designed to mimic structure of exchange capsule
mini zines galore for kaleid zine, 2022